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THE PROFILE: ALL ABOUT DENISE MCGAHA who has a Dallas Texas based 
Interior Design Firm.
Her projects and installations span throughout the country. Denise McGaha Interiors delivers
fashionable, diverse and adventurous designs for
clients who live on the fast track.  Her speciality is
delivering results within 90 days or less.  She is also the Brand Ambassador for Currey & Co., a manufacturer of distinctive home furnishings.  Denise is participating in the 
Modernism Week Show House 
in Palm Springs this February.
Denise McGaha
Principal Designer, Denise McGaha Interiors
Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you 
consider significant in your career  
Receiving the trademark certificate for my 
"Designing With A Deadline" tag line and process for my firm
What are the rewards from your work
Allowing our clients to see how beauty changes their life.  Every-time we do a full installation we receive a text, an email or a phone call the next day letting us know how happy they are, how they could never imagine their home could look or feel like that or how beautiful it makes them feel. How great is that to be able to share that with people!?!  
I love it!

If there was a movie produced about your life – 
who would play you

Birgitte Hjort Sørensen

Which philanthropic organizations have you been connected to? 
GenesisWomens Shelter 
"to end the epidemic of domestic violence"
Can you share your motto or mantra?
Designing with a Deadline....
seriously my mantra for life and work
What book are you currently reading
  Rising Strong by Brene Brown

Who is your secret celebrity crush
  Tim McGraw

What is your favorite time of day
  Early Morning
Do you know your heritage
 German and English
Are you fluent in other languages
 I understand Spanish but don't speak it very well. 
I'm fluent in Texas drawl
Do you follow astrology? What is your zodiac sign
I'm a Virgo in every sense.  Prepared and organized
What would your DJ Name be
 DJ McG   
 Do you have a favorite number
Do you have a favorite fashion magazine 

What is your “go-to” fashion brand  

If we were to peek in your closet, what is the dominant color  
What is your present state of mind
Positive and Preparing
It’s 6pm at your favorite bar or restaurant, 
what drink do you order 

Do you awake with or without an alarm 
With at 5 am. 
But my dogs are also my alarm even when it's not set
 Do you have a favorite social media outlet


If you could be a background singer, dancer or musician – which
entertainer (living or dead) would you choose as the star
 Stevie Wonder
What is the last photo you took with your cell phone
 A view of the Las Vegas Strip from my hotel room on the 19th floor this morning at sunrise

One of the best lessons my parents taught me is to
 Always do what you say you will and never cancel an
appointment or not show up....i.e. Don't be a flake
What is your favorite work of art 
The last one I saw

What is your favorite building in Manhattan  
Grand Central Station

Denise has a smile and personal style that light up a room. She has evolved from corporate landscape experience with luxury retailer, Neiman Marcus to a prosperous boutique interior design business. Her blog and website are frequently updated in a joyful and spirited style.

#denisemcgaha #dallas #USA #designer #Currey&Co. #modernismhouseshow #TimMcGraw #sophisticated #prosperous #designbusiness
